Therapy for Teens/Young Adults

Life is full of unanswered questions – especially for young people

You are stressed because you are in school, and your parents insist that you go to college – but you’re not sure.

Academic and social pressure makes you feel tired and burned out. High school alone is enough of a struggle, and you are uncertain about your passion. Where you are at this moment in life makes college seem irrelevant.

Other than your parents, who keep nagging about college and the future, you don’t have an adult with whom you can discuss how you feel.

Big questions of life keep constantly running in the background of your mind.

Why am I here? What’s the purpose of all this?

Make money, be “successful?” – you don’t even know what that means anymore.

Starting college doesn’t necessarily provide answers.

Then, you start college and have the same questions.

Why am I in this major?

What’s the point of college – should I drop out and go to work?

Should I take a gap year and see the world before deciding on my future direction?

Decisions, decisions – with adulthood comes responsibility, but a part of you doesn’t want the responsibility.

Those nagging questions and thoughts take the joy out of life, even when you are a presumed “adult.”

Happy days are – far from happy.

Everyone says high school and college are the “best years of your life.”

For some, this may be the case, but you aren’t feeling it. At this point, confusion seems like a better word to describe the high school and college experiences.

Maybe it’s time to have a conversation with an adult who listens and understands. Therapy provides a place to have those conversations.

You have resilience and the ability to make good decisions. A conversation with the right adult can help you realize how to find answers and the right path forward.

Therapy can help you find those answers.

We will work together to bring your innate knowledge to the surface, allowing you to work through those decisions and feel more joyful, no matter what you do.

Do you have big questions about your life? If so, I’m the right person to help you explore them, so your life and the world finally make sense. Imagine what it would be like to have your feelings, thoughts, and ideas taken seriously.

Our work doesn’t allow for any judgment – only acceptance and an engaging, creative way to help you achieve what you want – peace and happiness.

We’ll use mindfulness and other strategies to bring you into the center so that you can experience happier days.

Take that first step.

I know how to explore your likes and dislikes, your wants, your dreams – to find the path forward.

Contact me today.